Laquey / Buckhorn

Laquey / Buckhorn
RV Parks & river resorts on Route 66
Laquey — pronounced “Lakeway” — was founded in 1900 and named for the Laquey family. As you meander through Laquey and nearby Buckhorn on Route 66, snap some photos of historic buildings from days gone by.
Camp & Get Together
Pitch a tent or roll your RV into the Lamplight Lane RV Resort, or Pulaski County Shrine Club Mother Road RV Park. Peruse the boutiques and art gallery located at the Route 66 junction. Enjoy the best chicken in town, or relax and enjoy amazing cup of "Mafia" coffee! Find great deals that the Swap Meet held the first Saturday of each month, April thru October.
Premier outdoor venue
The Pulaski County Fort Leonard Wood Shrine Club and Park boasts more than 50 acres of land with primitive RV and camping areas, pavilions, amphitheater, clubhouse, restaurant, and the Mother Road RV Park, the park is the largest outdoor venue within 80 miles. The park serves as a hub for various gatherings and annual, multi-day events such as the Mid America Freedom Rally and the Buckhorn Blast.