Pull Over in Pulaski

Pull Over in Pulaski
Midpoint Between St. Louis & Joplin — Exits 145-163
You probably know Pulaski County as home to Fort Leonard Wood, but there is so much more to explore here in the heart of the Ozarks. From traversing our 33 miles of Historic Route 66 and paddling the Gasconade and Big Piney rivers to fishing for trophy smallmouth bass and trout and noshing your way along our famous Thrift & Treats Trail, we're so much more than a quick stop along the interstate. Enjoy our slice of the Ozarks with comfy accommodations and delicious dining, and if you have to rush along, we understand. We'll be here to welcome you back the next time. Order a Getaway Guide and plan your trip!
Food, fuel, and lodging are easily accessible from I-44. Stretch your legs or walk the dog at George M. Reed Roadside Park in Saint Robert or Laughlin Park in Waynesville! While in the Exit 161 area, check out our Visitors Center at 137 St. Robert Blvd., and if you are hauling freight or goods along Interstate 44 in central Missouri, we have truck stops with 100-mile-coffee and hot showers located at Exit 163 to Saint Robert and Exit 145 to Richland.